Arrows of Fire

"A deftly crafted and inherently absorbing novel by a writer who has a genuine flair for reader engaging narrative storytelling, Arrows of Fire by Marlen Suyapa Bodden is exceptionally entertaining."
Midwest Book Review

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It is November 1519, and Hernan Cortés has invaded Moctezoma’s empire, part of the Triple Alliance that rules one of the most advanced civilizations in history.

Told in behind-the-scenes portraits, bestselling author Marlen Bodden’s new novel, Arrows of Fire [Roatan Hall Press, Oct. 14, 2019, ISBN: 9781732974708], takes the reader deep inside the bloody European conquest of Mexico, a colossal clash between powerful forces, and reveals the crack in Moctezoma’s armor – his use of human sacrifice.

arrows fire

"Bodden writes with delicacy, allowing layers of meaning to unfold slowly[.]" – Booklist

The Wedding Gift

In 1852, a young Alabama woman takes a gift, her female slave, with her into her new marriage. Both women have secrets and dreamsthat unfold in unexpected ways. Marlen Bodden's debut novel, The Wedding Gift, is an intimate portrait of slavery and the 19th Century South that will leave readers breathless.


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"Fascinating, intriguing - a great story!"
-- Kathleen Grissom, New York Times bestselling author of The Kitchen House

"Stunning debut - page-turning - powerful story."
-- Publishers Weekly starred review

"A potent debut."
-- Good Housekeeping

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